How To Get Hair Glue Out Of Carpet?

How To Get Hair Glue Out Of Carpet

Hair glue is a popular hair styling product used to secure hair extensions, wigs, and other hair pieces. It provides a strong hold that keeps the hair in place for extended periods.

Types of Hair Glue

There are two main types of hair glue:

  1. Latex-based glues: These are the most common and are water-soluble, making them relatively easy to remove from surfaces like carpets.
  2. Silicone-based glues: These are more resistant to water, which makes them more challenging to remove from fabrics.

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How Hair Glue Bonds to Carpets

Hair Glue Bonds to Carpets

Hair glue can accidentally bond to carpets when it spills, drips, or is inadvertently transferred from your hands. The adhesive properties of the glue cause it to stick to carpet fibers, making it difficult to remove without the proper technique.

Preparatory Steps

Assessing the Damage

Before attempting to remove hair glue from your carpet, it’s crucial to evaluate the extent of the damage. Check the size of the affected area and determine the type of glue you’re dealing with to choose the most effective removal method.

Gathering the Necessary Supplies

You’ll need the following items to remove hair glue from your carpet:

  • A blunt knife or spoon
  • Rubbing alcohol or acetone (for silicone-based glue)
  • Warm water
  • Mild dish soap
  • A clean cloth or sponge
  • A dry towel

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Step-By-Step Guide to Removing Hair Glue

Guide to Removing Hair Glue

Step 1: Loosen the Glue

Start by gently scraping the glue with a blunt knife or spoon to remove as much of the hardened adhesive as possible. Be careful not to damage the carpet fibers.

Step 2: Apply a Solvent

For latex-based glue, mix warm water with a few drops of mild dish soap. For silicone-based glue, use rubbing alcohol or acetone. Apply the solvent to a clean cloth or sponge and gently dab the glue stain, working from the outside in to prevent spreading.

Step 3: Blot the Area

After the solvent has had a few minutes to break down the glue, use a dry towel to blot the area. Apply gentle pressure to absorb the solvent and the loosened glue. Repeat the process with the solvent and blotting until the glue is fully removed.

Step 4: Rinse and Dry the Carpet

Once the glue is gone, rinse the area with clean water and blot with a dry towel. Allow the carpet to air dry before walking on it or placing any furniture over it.

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Alternative Methods

If the steps above don’t completely remove the glue, consider trying these alternative methods:

  1. Steam cleaning: Rent a steam cleaner to help break down the glue and lift it from the carpet fibers.
  2. Professional cleaning: If all else fails, contact a professional carpet cleaner to assess the situation and recommend the best course of action.

Prevention Tips

To prevent hair glue from damaging your carpet, consider the following tips:

Using Protective Layers

Place a protective layer, such as a plastic sheet or a drop cloth, on the floor when applying hair glue. This barrier will catch any spills and prevent them from reaching your carpet.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Regularly vacuum and clean your carpet to remove any hair glue residue before it has a chance to harden and bond to the fibers. Promptly address spills and stains to minimize the risk of permanent damage.


Can I use regular household products to remove hair glue from my carpet?

Yes, warm water and mild dish soap can effectively remove latex-based hair glue. For silicone-based glues, rubbing alcohol or acetone is recommended.

Is it safe to use acetone on my carpet?

Acetone can be used on most carpets, but always test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it won’t cause any discoloration or damage.

How long does it take for hair glue to dry on a carpet?

Hair glue can dry on a carpet within a few minutes to several hours, depending on the type of glue and the room’s humidity.

Can I use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process after cleaning my carpet?

Yes, you can use a hair dryer in a low heat setting to speed up the drying process. However, be careful not to overheat the carpet fibers, as this may cause damage.

How often should I clean my carpet to prevent hair glue buildup?

Regular vacuuming and spot cleaning should be performed as needed, but a deep cleaning should be done at least once a year to prevent hair glue buildup and maintain the carpet’s appearance.


Removing hair glue from your carpet can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and techniques, it is possible to restore your carpet to its original condition. Start by assessing the damage and gathering the necessary supplies, then follow the step-by-step guide to remove the glue. Consider alternative methods if needed, and take preventative measures to avoid future spills. By being proactive and attentive, you can keep your carpets looking their best.